10+ Years Experience

Specialist Playground Surfacing Repair

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Playground Surfacing Repair in Epsom

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Are you looking to ensure the safety of children at your playground in Epsom

Playground Surfacing Repair is here to help!

Discover the importance of playground surfacing, the common types available, signs that your surfacing needs repair, and how to effectively repair it.

With our expertise in playground surfacing repair, trust us to provide you with the necessary information to keep your playground safe and enjoyable for all.

Who Are We?

Playground Surfacing Repair is a leading company dedicated to providing top-quality repair services for playground surfacing in Epsom

With a team of experienced professionals, we specialise in repairing various types of playground surfacing including rubber mulch, artificial turf, and rubber tiles. 

We pride ourselves with our commitment to safety standards, ensuring that all repairs meet the highest quality and durability requirements. 

Whether it’s fixing cracks, replacing worn-out surfaces, or refurbishing entire playground areas, we have the expertise to handle it all.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Playground Surfacing Repair for your playground refurbishment needs ensures professional repair services and expert handling of playground equipment.

With a dedicated team of experienced technicians, we offer a comprehensive range of repair solutions to restore your playground’s safety and aesthetics. 

Our expertise in playground maintenance includes repairing various surfacing materials such as rubber, mulch, and artificial turf, ensuring that children can play safely. 

We prioritise our commitment to safety standards by conducting thorough inspections and following industry best practices for playground equipment maintenance. 

By choosing Playground Surfacing Repair, you can rest assured that your playground will be in reliable hands.

Costs of Playground Surfacing Repair in Epsom

The average cost of playground surfacing repair in Epsom can range from £30-£3,000.

This price is dependant on various factors such as size of the area, location, materials costs and labour costs.

  • Wetpour can cost £45 to £75 per square meter
  • Rubber Mulch can cost £40 to £60 per square meter
  • Artificial Grass can cost £30 to £70 per square meter

When planning a playground, it’s essential to consider not only the initial installation cost but also the longevity and maintenance requirements of the surfacing material to ensure it remains safe and appealing for years to come.

If you would like a more accurate quote, get in touch with our team today to discuss your options.

What Is Playground Surfacing?

Playground surfacing refers to the specialised materials and surfaces designed to provide safety and durability for play areas, ensuring the well-being of children.

Proper playground surfacing is crucial in preventing injuries and minimising the risk of accidents during playtime. 

It acts as a protective layer between the ground and the child, absorbing impacts from falls and providing a comfortable play surface.

There are several types of playground surfaces available, each with its unique characteristics and benefits. 

These include options such as rubber mulch, poured-in-place rubber, artificial turf, engineered wood fibre, and rubber tiles

Each type of surfacing material offers varying levels of shock absorption, maintenance requirements, and longevity, allowing for playgrounds to be customised based on specific needs and preferences.

Why Is Playground Surfacing Important?

Playground surfacing is crucial for ensuring the safety of children during playtime, meeting critical fall height standards and maintaining playground safety surfacing.

Proper surfacing materials like rubber mulch, engineered wood fibre, and poured-in-place rubber help reduce the impact of falls, thereby preventing serious injuries. 

By absorbing the shock from falls, playground surfacing serves as a protective layer between the ground and children, meeting safety regulations set by organisations like ASTM and CPSC. 

Keeping the impact attenuation levels within the specified limits ensures that the playground surface effectively minimises the risk of injuries, safeguarding the well-being of young users.

Types of Playground Surfacing in Epsom

There are various common types of playground surfacing, some of these include:

Rubber Mulch in Epsom

Rubber Mulch is a popular playground surface known for its impact-absorbing properties and durability, requiring occasional rubber mulch repair to maintain its effectiveness.

Regarding playground safety, Rubber Mulch serves as a top choice due to its ability to cushion falls and reduce injuries, making it ideal for children at play. 

This surface material is resistant to weather conditions, ensuring longevity and minimising the need for constant upkeep. 

Rubber mulch repair involves simple interventions like redistributing the mulch and occasionally topping it up to maintain the desired thickness and shock-absorbing capabilities. 

By using Rubber Mulch, playground owners can create a safe and engaging environment that prioritizes children’s well-being and enjoyment.

Poured-in-Place Rubber in Epsom

Poured-in-place rubber, also known as wet pour surfacing, offers a seamless and impact-absorbing playground surface that can be repaired using wetpour repair kits.

One of the standout features of Poured-in-Place Rubber Surfacing is its versatility in design and customisation options, allowing for colourful patterns, educational graphics, and even incorporating games into the surface itself.

The wet pour repair process involves seamlessly blending new rubber granules with the existing surface, ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing result.

In terms of safety and durability, this type of surfacing offers excellent impact absorption, reducing the risk of injuries from falls, and is resilient to harsh weather conditions and heavy foot traffic, making it a long-lasting and cost-effective choice for playgrounds and outdoor recreational areas.

Artificial Turf in Epsom

Artificial Turf provides a low-maintenance playground flooring option that mimics the look and feel of natural grass, offering a durable and visually appealing surface for play areas.

Comparison between Artificial Turf and natural grass reveals that the former requires minimal upkeep, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on mowing, watering, and fertilising. 

Its durable nature ensures that it can withstand heavy foot traffic and diverse weather conditions, making it ideal for maintaining a vibrant play area throughout the year. 

The consistent lush green appearance of Artificial Turf adds a touch of charm and aesthetic appeal to playgrounds, creating an inviting environment for children to enjoy their recreational activities.

Engineered Wood Fiber in Epsom

Engineered Wood Fibre is a popular choice for play areas due to its natural appearance, impact absorption, and ease of surface repair when needed.

One of the main reasons why Engineered Wood Fibre is favoured as a playground surface is its ability to cushion falls, minimising the risk of injuries for children at play.

 This material provides a soft and natural feel underfoot while effectively absorbing the impact of falls and tumbles, creating a safer play environment.

Plus its safety features, Engineered Wood Fibre is relatively easy to maintain and repair, making it a practical choice for busy playgrounds where regular upkeep is essential.

Interlocking Tiles in Epsom

Interlocking Tiles offer a versatile and easy-to-install solution for playground surfacing, allowing playground surfacing contractors to create customised play areas with simple tile assembly.

One of the key benefits of Interlocking Tiles is their durability, as they are designed to withstand heavy foot traffic and varying weather conditions, ensuring long-lasting play surfaces. 

These tiles are available in a wide range of colours and patterns, allowing for endless customisation possibilities to suit any theme or design preference.

The installation process for Interlocking Tiles is straightforward, requiring no specialised tools or adhesives. 

Contractors can simply interlock the tiles securely to create a seamless and stable surface, reducing installation time and costs significantly.

The ability to easily remove and replace individual tiles makes maintenance a breeze, ensuring quick repairs and updates for the play area. 

These features contribute to the efficiency of playground construction projects, allowing for swift completion without compromising quality.

Signs That Your Playground Surfacing Needs Repair

Recognising the signs that your playground surfacing needs repair is essential to maintaining a safe play environment, including identifying cracks, holes, uneven surfaces, fading, and exposed base materials.

Cracks in the surfacing can pose a tripping hazard for children engaging in play activities. Holes not only affect the aesthetics but can also lead to injuries if left unattended. 

Uneven surfaces can cause children to lose balance or trip, increasing the risk of accidents. The fading of surfacing materials not only compromises the visual appeal but also indicates the potential weakening of the material. 

Exposed base materials are a clear sign of worn-out surfacing that requires immediate attention to ensure safety standards are met.

Cracks or Holes

Cracks or holes in playground surfacing can pose safety hazards for children and may require immediate repair to prevent accidents, especially around playground equipment and dropped kerbs.

These imperfections can lead to trips and falls, increasing the risk of injuries such as scrapes, bruises, or even fractures. 

Damaged surfacing may fail to provide adequate cushioning, heightening the chances of more severe injuries during play. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain playground surfaces in top condition according to safety standards.

Repairing cracks and holes promptly is essential to ensure that the playground remains a safe and enjoyable environment for children.

 Regular inspections can help identify any issues early on, allowing for timely fixes before they worsen and pose greater dangers.

Uneven Surface

An uneven surface on the playground can lead to tripping hazards and inconsistent play experiences, highlighting the need for regular maintenance and upkeep of the play area surfacing.

Not only can an uneven playground surface pose risks to children’s safety, but it can also impact the overall aesthetics and usability of the play area. 

Ensuring a level and well-maintained surface is vital to prevent accidents and provide a comfortable environment for play.

Regular inspection and maintenance are essential in identifying and addressing any issues with the playground surface promptly. 

This proactive approach can help extend the longevity of the surfacing materials and minimise the need for extensive repairs down the line.

Fading or Discoloration

Fading or discolouration of playground surfacing may indicate wear and tear, necessitating timely maintenance interventions such as line marking and colour restoration to uphold safety and aesthetics.

Playgrounds are vibrant spaces filled with the laughter and play of children, but over time, the constant use and exposure to the elements can take a toll on the surfaces.

The fading or discolouration that starts to appear is a visual cue that the area requires attention.

Maintaining playground surfaces not only ensures their longevity but also contributes to the overall safety of the children using them. 

Regular maintenance procedures like cleaning, repairs, and colour restoration play a crucial role in preserving the integrity and appearance of the playground. 

One of the key aspects of maintenance is line marking, which delineates boundaries and helps prevent accidents.

Exposed Base Material

Exposure of base materials in playground surfacing indicates significant wear and tear, requiring immediate surface repair to eliminate hazards such as debris accumulation and maintain playground safety standards.

When base materials become exposed, they can pose serious risks to children using the playground equipment, as uneven surfaces may lead to trips and falls, potentially causing injuries.

Exposed base materials can deteriorate more quickly when exposed to the elements, further compromising the structural integrity of the playground surface. 

Regular inspection and prompt repair are essential to address these issues and ensure a safe play environment for all.

Implementing a thorough debris removal process is crucial to prevent material buildup, which can not only impact the appearance of the playground but also create tripping hazards.

By addressing these maintenance requirements proactively, playground operators can extend the longevity of the surfacing materials and provide a secure space for children to enjoy.

How to Repair Playground Surfacing

Repairing playground surfacing involves several steps, including identifying the type of surfacing, gathering necessary materials, preparing the repair area, conducting the repair, and maintaining regular inspections for ongoing safety.

When you embark on the process of repairing playground surfacing, the first crucial step is to accurately determine the type of surfacing that requires attention. 

Identify the Type of Surfacing

Before repairing playground surfacing, it is essential to accurately identify the type of existing surface, whether it is Rubber Mulch, Poured-in-Place Rubber, Artificial Turf, Engineered Wood Fibre, or Interlocking Tiles.

Identifying the current playground surface is crucial as it determines the repair methods and materials needed for maintenance. 

Different surfacing materials require specific care and repair techniques to ensure the safety and longevity of the playground area. 

Surface recognition helps in choosing the right tools and products for effective repairs.

Common methods for surface identification include visual inspection, texture analysis, and consulting with playground equipment manufacturers or installers. 

Keeping a record of the original playground surface type can also aid in future repair decisions and maintenance planning.

Gather Necessary Materials

Gathering the necessary materials for playground surfacing repair includes acquiring repair kits, wet pour repair kits, and any specialised tools or equipment required for the specific repair task at hand.

The repair kits typically contain essential items like bonding agents, patching materials, and protective gear to ensure a safe and effective repair process. 

Wet pour repair kits, on the other hand, are specifically designed for fixing rubberised surfaces commonly found in playgrounds.

These kits often consist of coloured EPDM granules, binder resin, and trowels for seamless repairs.

Specialised tools such as safety knives, rollers, and mixing paddles may be needed depending on the type of playground surfacing being repaired.

These tools help in cutting, spreading, and blending materials evenly for a professional finish.

Prepare the Area for Repair

Preparing the area for playground surfacing repair involves clearing debris, assessing the extent of damage, and collaborating with playground resurfacing contractors for tasks such as tarmac repairs or dropped kerb adjustments.

Once the debris is removed, the next step is to thoroughly assess the damage. This evaluation is crucial to determine the extent of the repair work needed. 

Safety considerations play a significant role during this phase, ensuring that all hazards are identified and addressed before any repair activities commence. 

Collaborating closely with experienced contractors is essential to ensure a professional and efficient repair process. 

Surface preparation is key to achieving a durable and long-lasting playground surface, and working with repair professionals helps in executing this critical part of the project.

Repair the Damaged Area

Repairing the damaged area of playground surfacing requires applying appropriate repair techniques, such as wetpour repair or surface repair using specialised repair kits tailored to the surfacing material.

When dealing with playground surfacing repairs, it is essential to carefully assess the extent of the damage to determine the most suitable repair method.

Wetpour repair solutions are often used for fixing cracks, tears, or worn-out sections.

These solutions involve mixing the repair material and applying it to the damaged area, ensuring a seamless finish that blends with the existing surface.

Repair kits designed for specific surfacing materials, such as EPDM rubber or synthetic turf, provide a convenient and efficient way to address minor damages without compromising the overall integrity of the playground surface.

Maintain and Inspect Regularly

Regular maintenance and inspections are essential for ensuring the longevity and safety of playground surfacing, involving tasks such as playground repair, equipment checks, and cleaning to uphold safety standards.

Playgrounds should be inspected regularly to identify any potential hazards that could endanger children during playtime, emphasising the importance of a thorough examination of all equipment and surfacing materials. 

Preventative maintenance can help prevent accidents and ensure a safe play environment for kids. Conducting routine checks for wear and tear, loose components, and sharp edges is crucial in preventing injuries. 

Cleanliness is another vital aspect that cannot be overlooked, as dirt and debris can pose tripping hazards and harbour harmful bacteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is playground surfacing repair?

Playground surfacing repair refers to the process of fixing or restoring the surface of a playground to ensure the safety and functionality of the area.

Why is playground surfacing repair important?

Playground surfacing repair is important because it helps to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for children to play in.

 It also ensures that the playground meets safety standards and regulations.

What are some common issues that require playground surfacing repair?

Common issues that may require playground surfacing repair include cracked or uneven surfaces, worn-out or damaged materials, and drainage problems.

How often should playground surfacing be repaired?

The frequency of playground surfacing repair depends on various factors such as the type of material used, the amount of usage, and weather conditions. 

However, it is recommended to have a professional inspection at least once a year.

Can playground surfacing repair be done on any type of surface?

We offer playground surfacing repair services for a variety of surfaces including rubber, artificial turf, and natural grass. 

Our team is trained and experienced in working with different materials.

How can I request a playground surfacing repair service?

You can request a playground surfacing repair service by contacting us through our website or giving us a call. 

We will schedule an inspection and provide you with a quote for the repair work needed

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Playground Surfacing Repair services in South East.

Here are some towns we cover near Epsom.

Ewell, Ashtead, Banstead, Leatherhead, Sutton

For more information on Playground Surfacing Repair services in Epsom, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.


We’re thoroughly impressed with the service received. Their method is both amiable and professional. After considering proposals from five different firms, we discovered that Playground Surfacing Repair offered the best value for money, and their service was unparalleled. Many thanks for your outstanding work; we will certainly be coming back!

Ethan Harper



We have been utilising Playground Surfacing Repair services for numerous years, as they are unequivocally the finest in Epsom. The meticulousness and professional installation are what designate this company as our preferred choice for all our requirements. I wholeheartedly endorse the team for their substantial work – we strongly recommend them!

Leo Montgomery


About Us

Count on us for efficient repair services for playground surfacing, keeping play areas safe and functional for children.